Alchemy is a home to all forms of creativity. We specialize in professional tattoos, piercings, custom illustrations and paintings, logo work, & have an in house art gallery!

Common questions ➡ Answered

In the state of Colorado you must be 18 yrs old without a legal guardian present. If a minor is wanting to get tattooed, we will go down to the age of 16 with proof of legal guardianship.
How old do I have to be?

Pain is subjective to the person getting the work done, but most commonly it will feel like a pinch or a heavy scratch and becomes more irritating the longer you sit for the work. The best answer I ever heard was "it feels like a cat scratch on top of a sunburn” but it all hurts... there is no pain free tattooing or piercing, even with numbing creams.
How bad does it hurt?

Tattoos and piercing have different aftercare recommendations or requirements. check out our FAQ page for full details on each.